My Spiritual Journey

Thanks for visiting my website and blog. I hope my sharing inspires you to seek that wonderful nourishment our soul is built for even more deeply.

I've always felt a call to help others so tried out many things to see what was the best way for me. I:

  • Studied to be a medical doctor but left halfway through my course. Somehow I knew medicine wasn't right for me.
  • Followed my creativity and started creating art and computer games; I took photographs and worked as a gardener -- inspiring others by sharing the beauty of creation.
  • Practiced a psychotherapeutic modality to help others find their "Self" and facilitate deep emotional healing.
  • Was then led to developing an innovative framework -- processes that merged art and partswork. I started running individual and group workshops to develop ourself, solve problems and promote emotional healing.
  • Finally, I practiced a unique and powerful form of life coaching that used my intuitive talent.

Despite all this, however, I knew I was still lost spiritually. Something was missing. I realized I only wanted 100% certainty with regard to things of the soul and spirit and that awareness of being lost was what I had going for me!

Then, without realizing why I was doing it, I walked away from everything not aligned with Truth and found something beyond our normal dimension and consciousness. Something more powerful than all of the above -- God our Creator. No one was more surprised than I!

When I walked away from things that were not aligned with Truth, things started to change for me in unusual ways. I didn't believe in God but life was showing me there was something much, much bigger than me and the material/spiritual world. I gave my life up (including blossoming therapy career) to find that pure goodness that I knew somehow existed and all of these changes culminated over a period of time in a life changing event. I even followed a mysterious call to another continent. In hindsight, I see God was taking me out of what I knew and breaking me free from mental and spiritual structures that held me back from discovering Him.

After a childhood of Catholicism, years of atheism and esoteric/eastern spirituality that led nowhere, God touched me in a powerful way! When this happened, I knew with 100% certainty that I have a Creator, that I was meeting my Creator and the Creator of everything and that He was reaching out to me. Sitting in my bedroom one day in Summer 2017, my life changed in an instant and it all happened without any religion, churches, books, religious people or spirituality.

After a journey of many months, away from what I knew, without any belief in God or faith in any religion, but finally being momentarily open (and a little frightened) to the possibility of meeting THE Creator, God's Holy Spirit descended into me from above. It all happened within moments of "daring" only the creator of unconditional love, truth and logic itself to meet me! I had also decided I only wanted The Creator, not some creation (biological or spiritual) who could lie to me.

When the unthinkable happened, I knew I was encountering my creator because the root of every single wish and desire I had my whole life was completely filled in an instant. It was 100% clear this was the power behind all existence, being and consciousness. I knew at that point that the Spirit that came into me was the very same that had breathed LIFE into human beings. A memory of our original connection with God is programmed into all our souls even if we all seek it out in different ways.

In what must have been a split second of human time, my soul was also taken on a journey that revealed even the birth of creation itself. It was completely out of this world.

My heart, soul and spirit took on another dimension after this. I discovered that who we are is beyond space and time and we were designed to know this by God as well as to know God deeply and personally while the body is still living.

Months of alternating perplexity and supernatural joy followed as I stayed in God's presence despite prior intellectual conditioning battling for supremacy. None of the supernatural joy I was experiencing was coming from me or anything I did. Despite my anti-Christian tendencies, and fighting tooth-and-nail against blind acceptance, the Holy Spirit "downloaded" spiritual revelations into me about how and why Jesus Christ really was the God incarnated into flesh who chose to die for our sins (a concept I'd never properly understood or believed in before). This would have been impossible for me to grasp mentally because I lacked conscious faith - there is a long path and a short path, as it were, and I took the very long path.

At the Baptism, the virgin birth, resurrection, God being Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- all made sense to me. I completely understood the crucifixion, transfiguration, resurrection, ascension etc. When we know THE Creator personally, we automatically know Jesus Christ. As I started to know God, it was also obvious to see what was NOT of God.

After these revelations, any conditioning from eastern religions, spirituality and the occult made me sick, as if suddenly being able to sense to a much greater degree some kind of spiritual poison and darkness. My spirit was awakened with a new sensitivity, through the Holy Spirit.

In my continuing disbelief, I tried hard not to look at these revelations through a lens of religion. In my experience, religion only created problems. My intellect and reasoning went into turbo mode and I battled with old concepts I'd assigned to the dustbin.

I realized that what I thought I knew about God/Jesus I had only learnt through human beings who didn't actually know God's Spirit and who didn't live in full alignment to Truth. Like myself, what most know through other people (who are not led by the Holy Spirit) is a spirit of religion, rather than God. I also saw how many of the Roman Catholic church practices in childhood were actually witchcraft and occultic in nature. At one point, I physically retched, as if throwing up, some spiritual darkness associated with Roman Catholicism.

Similarly, I also saw that the states and experiences of Self/No-Self of Eastern spiritual traditions are there only because God sustains us in this life, moment-by-moment, in unconditional love. He is there standing with us however all end up being deaf/blind to Him.

God continues to reveal things to me -- useful in both for day-to-day living and for understanding the bigger picture about humanity. Here are some of the first few things revealed to me, just as they were written about by people of God in the Bible -- things I did not truly get before.

What I Found Out

  • We can discover for ourselves, God in our own lives and that a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, separate from religion or churches, is possible. God, in fact, wants a relationship with us. In our hearts, we ALL seek a relationship with God in our deepest being.
  • God's revelation surpasses all human knowledge and understanding.
  • I discovered that I could discern things 'psychics' could not, thanks to the Holy Spirit within me. No psychic spoke about things revealed by the Holy Spirit and it was outside of their paradigm.
  • A relationship with God is extremely grounding and balanced.
  • When we look at things from a soul and spirit level, it's much easier to see God's love in our life - a love that is unconditional, pure and holy. We can immediately drink from the Living Waters of eternity.
  • All humans either choose to live for our temporal body or our eternal soul.
  • Jesus' death and resurrection has repercussions for us all. He taught us about living in God's Truth and brought us to God but very few people get it, even if they are religious.
  • OUR LIFE HAS MEANING. It serves to help us rediscover who we are. We live our most fulfilling life when we're in alignment with Truth.
  • Good and evil exist in the realm of humans. Jesus, on the other hand spoke about something mysterious called the Kingdom of God which can be known before death. It's a dimension of Life in God which knows no sorrow or suffering.
  • There is actually no such thing as spiritual mastery because psychics, intuitive consultants etc. still look through the narrow perspective of material life. They come from a place that only benefits our temporary, rather than ETERNAL existence. In the long run, certain "spiritual" things can delay or even arrest our discovering who we are in God.
  • God provides true healing and empowerment. No psychological/emotional therapy or coaching ever comes close! Imagine the most awesome love -- God's love is much bigger than that! Pure, holy, liquid light and love that our mind, body and soul seek.

Many of the things I discovered by experience are written about in the Bible -- but I needed to know our Creator POWERFULLY and experientially in my own life to get it. It was the long and hard way.

Those who sincerely seek Truth diligently will find what they're looking for -- we can all discover God's Truth, Love and Joy in our own life. Nothing is better than knowing the Creator.